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Message lifecylce

This article describes the lifecycle of a message, from creation to completion.


When creating a message, consider the following points:


A user reports that an application can not establish a database connection. To ensure that the support is not overloaded with calls, users should be informed that the problem is known.

  • When and for how long should the message be valid?
    → Start time: Now
    → End time: In 2-3 hours
  • How should the message be displayed to the user?
    → Appearance: Insertion
    → Check Hide end time as it is not exactly foreseeable when the problem will be solved
  • Should the users be pre-warned?
    → No, because the message should be displayed immediately
  • Which users should be informed?
    → Restrict the message to the affected application


When updating a message, consider the following points:

  • Should properties be adapted?
    → Adjust the corresponding properties
  • Should the user be informed?
    → Add status update


Solving the database connection problem takes more time than previously estimated. The message must therefore be updated and the users informed accordingly.

  • Should properties be adapted?
    → Shift the end time one hour in the future
  • Should the user be informed?
    → Yes, add a new status update "We are still working on solving the problem, further information in 30 minutes" as an insertion


When completing a message, consider the following points:


  • Should the user be informed about the completion?
    → Yes, complete the message using Resolve now so the resolve message will appear as an insertion
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