
Show tab
The tab can be shown using the + symbol or the shortcut CTRL
+ +
respectively CTRL
+ T
Hide tab
The tab can be hidden using the x symbol or the shortcut CTRL
+ -
respectively CTRL
+ W
This tab lets you specify whether a message is valid only for specific registry entries. Exclusions of specific registry entries can also be set.

Add / Remove
You can add or delete registry restrictions using the buttons above the list. To add registry restrictions you need to define them within the Registry Pool.
Using the button Convert will allow you to convert the selected restrictions in the list into an inclusion or an exclusion.
The display of Group-Wide exclusions can be turned off under Show. In the list group-wide exclusions appear as grey items. In case many group-wide exclusions exist click Show to make them invisible. Please note that making use of this option will not deactivate group-wide exclusions!
Group-wide Exclusions will be ignored
This warning will be displayed if group-wide exclusions have been deactivated for this message by making use of the option on the tab Extended.