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Process flow

The following sample procedure describes how a user can create a message using the IBI-aws WebCLI and which components are used.

  1. User input: The user is on a website, which allows him to create IBI-aws messages. The user uses a form to enter details of the message to be created.

  2. Sending a request via HTTP/S: The website prepares the input and sends it together with an action ID and the API key via HTTP/S to the IBI-aws WebCLI.

  3. Determining the action to be executed: The IBI-aws WebCLI responds to the incoming request and checks whether the specified action ID exists in the Actions.xml file.

  4. Execute the action: If a predefined action could be found, the application stored for the action is started together with the specified parameters. The application can be PowerShell, for example, and the parameters can be the path of a PowerShell script.

  5. Execution of the PowerShell script: The PowerShell script prepares the data for the IBI-aws command line interface and starts it.

  6. Creation of the message using IBI-aws CLI: The IBI-aws creates a message based on the information provided, which is then distributed to the clients.

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