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This document describes the endpoint for executing a predefined WebCLI action.

The endpoint requires authentication using API Key.

Execute WebCLI action

POST /actions/{actionId}
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: ...


Executes a predefined action with the specified actionId without specifying any further parameters.

Execute WebCLI action with additional parameters

Executes a predefined action with the specified actionId and additional parameters. The endpoint expects an object with the property Arguments in the request body:

POST /actions/{actionId}
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: ...

{ "Arguments": "additional data" }

The {%Parameters%} placeholder within a WebCLI action is replaced by the Arguments string specified in the request body in Base64-encoded form (see Use of parameters).

Do not forget to specify the header Content-Type: application/json.

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