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In the Actions.xml file, actions can be defined which are executed by the IBI-aws WebCLI on request. The basic structure of the Actions.xml file is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

	<action id="">

  • <action>-element: Defines an action that can be triggered by the WebCLI.

  • id attribute: A client can use the id attribute to control which action is to be triggered.

  • <processName> element: Name or path of the application to be started.

  • <arguments> element (optional): Is specified if the application is to be started with parameters. The arguments also allows clients to specify additional content. For more information, see Use of parameters.

Use of parameters

Within the arguments, the placeholder {%Parameters%} can be specified.

The arguments that are transmitted to the WebCLI via the HTTP/S request body are encoded at this point and inserted in Base64 format when the action is executed. This enables further processing of data, for example by PowerShell scripts.

Sample Actions.xml

In this example, two actions are defined to create IBI-aws messages using PowerShell scripts. Both actions contain the following information:

  • The application to be started is PowerShell.

  • PowerShell scripts are specified as parameters.

  • The content transmitted by the client is Base64-encoded and injected into the arguments via the {%Parameters%} placeholder. This content is in turn decoded and processed by the PowerShell scripts.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

	<action id="CreateAwsMessage">
		<arguments>-ExecutionPolicy Bypass "..\Scripts\create_aws_message.ps1" "{%Parameters%}"</arguments>

	<action id="CreateAwsMessageByTemplate">
		<arguments>-ExecutionPolicy Bypass "..\Scripts\create_aws_message_by_template.ps1" "{%Parameters%}"</arguments>

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