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Version 1.30

Published on 17th July 2024


With this version, support for 32-bit operating systems will be discontinued.


With this version the IBI-aws Client support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 is discontinued. We are sorry for the inconvenience and refer to the Microsoft end of support for the mentioned operating systems.


Microsoft will end support for Incoming Webhooks on October 1, 2024.

To continue sending messages to Microsoft Teams, you will need to set up a workflow with a webhook trigger



  • Azure Blob Storage support

  • Add process window: Added description for min and max version

  • E-mail templates design updated

  • E-mail dispatch: Images specified in the template can now be specified with a relative path

  • Teams connection via workflow


  • Application startup speed improved

  • E-mail dispatch: Improved way of embedding images specified in the template


  • Usage request did not appear in certain situations

  • Window disappears sporadically into the background

  • Crash when adding e-mail groups

  • WebDAV upload fails when using a proxy

  • Under certain circumstances, changes made by other admins users were not displayed

  • Teams templates: minor display errors

  • E-mails dispatch: Content type “Cancellation” of the resolve message was not taken into account if no message was specified

  • E-mails dispatch: Images specified in the template are now also displayed correctly in the preview

  • FTP upload on Linux servers failed



  • Azure Blob Storage support

  • Start parameter “DisableHighDpiAwareness”

  • If a (new) incompatible message file is detected, the application is restarted once

  • 64-bit


  • Standard skin

  • Message files with a version older than are no longer supported

  • 32-bit build removed


  • Message window was displayed empty in certain situations (e.g. resolution change)

  • Drawing of labels whose texts should be drawn vertically in the middle or at the bottom

  • Determination of the VMWare ViewClient IP address

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