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Create Teams workflow

  1. Click on Apps in Microsoft Teams

  2. Search for Post to a channel when a webhook request is received

  3. Select the corresponding search result

  4. Assign a name for the workflow, such as IBI-aws

  5. Select the desired connection. The use of a service user is recommended here

  6. Select the desired team and target channel

  7. Add the workflow by clicking on Add workflow

  8. Copy the displayed URL. This is required in the IBI-aws Admin

Edit the workflow

  1. Click on Apps in Microsoft Teams

  2. Click on Manage apps

  3. Expand Workflows

  4. Select the desired workflow under Personal app

  5. Make the desired changes
    Further settings can be made under Send each adaptive card. However, the setting Select an output from previous step must be left at body.attachment

If the content is not displayed in the desired channel, the user to post the message can be changed under Post your own adaptive card as the Flow bot to a channel - Post as

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