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Customize existing texts

Unused entries can be deleted

Texts of the existing languages can be adapted as required. This requires the following steps:

  • Copy the texts of the language to be adapted into the custom-localizations.js
    Customize the text as desired

  • Save the custom-localizations.js file

The customized texts will be applied as soon as the IBI-aws WebClient has been reloaded in the browser of your choice.

Add new texts

The new text must be added for each language used in the WebClient.

New texts can be added by following these steps:

  • Copy a text of the target language into custom-localizations.js

  • Customize the ID and text as desired

  • Save the custom-localizations.js file

The new texts will be available as soon as the IBI-aws WebClient has been reloaded in the browser of your choice.

Add new language

All entries must be present, as in the copied localization.

Other languages can be added by following these steps:

  • Copy texts from an existing language into custom-localizations.js

  • Adjust the language code (e.g. en)

  • Translate the existing texts into the new language

  • Save the custom-localizations.js file

The new localization will be available as soon as the IBI-aws WebClient has been reloaded in the browser of your choice.

Example of a custom-localization.js

The custom-localization.js can contain several languages, but each language can only be used once. The content of a custom-localization.js can look like this:

Localization example
JS["en"] = {
    "Remark": "Remark",
    "Message": "Note",
    "ApplicationSpecificRemark": "Applicationspecific remark",
    "GeneralRemark": "General remark",
    "MobileGeneralRemark": "Remark for mobile clients"
};["de"] = {
    "EarlyWarning": "Warnung"

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