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By generating a code, IBI-aws MobileClient users can register for the corresponding hint group using this code.



Displays the corresponding code.

When generating a code, a message is displayed that the code is created automatically when it is saved.


Optionally, a label for the code can be specified here.

The label is displayed in the IBI-aws MobileClient, if defined.

Limit validity

The code can be provided with a valid to date.

If a valid to date is specified, the code can only be used up to this date.

Registrations with expired codes

Once the validity of a code has expired, a user can no longer register with this code.

Existing registrations are not changed and remain valid.


Optionally, a notice can be specified.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.