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Version 1.28.1

Published on 21st June 2022



  • Message tags were not applied during an update
  • After closing the edit window via "Save", the message group was always marked with "Unpublished changes"
  • Apply text: The language selection columns could be edited
  • Deleting a directory service led to an error
  • Sending e-mail: For a recipient with the default language the e-mail was sent in the current language of the IBI-aws Admin instead of the default language
  • Sending e-mail: The "Sent" date for groups was not considered correctly
  • Sending e-mail: During preselection, the first early warning or status update was preselected instead of the currently active one
  • Sending e-mail: In the case of an early resolved early warning, the early warning was still preselected instead of the currently active resolve message
  • Publication: If an error occurred during publication, the status for "Sending e-mails" or "Notified devices" remained unchanged at "Processing..."



  • The IBI-aws Client could not be started if the Windows Defender exploit protection "Force randomusation for images (mandatory ASLR)" was enabled
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