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Exit Codes

Some of the exit codes of the command line interface are described below

Exit CodeDescription
1Unexpected error
The error message is logged and can thus be viewed via the log.
11 Outdated admin (can't process the Data.xml)
21At least one specified argument has an invalid value


At least one required argument missing
24No message group exists with the specified message group ID
28No expected identifier is specified (e.g. with "CreateIfNotExisting")
116Failed to create a Data.xml
132Data.xml is blocked (e.g. by an open IBI-aws admin)
164Failed to save the Data.xml
216More than one template was specified


No template found with the specified template ID
264The message created is faulty and cannot be saved


Data.xml is not available


Data.xml is corrupt


No message found with the specified identifiers


More than one message was found for the specified identifiers for resolving in the "FullUI" mode


Data.xml is obsolete


Data.xml is inaccessible


No template specified 
22048The specified template does not contain a message for desktop clients
24096The specified template does not contain a message for mobile clients
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.