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Settings in this section affect all IBI-aws Admin users. These settings must be specified if a message should be sent by e-mail.


Contains the SMTP-server's address.


An alternative port can be entered in this field. Port 25 is used by default for SMTP.


When this option is enabled, data transfer between IBI-aws Admin and SMPT-server will be encrypted.

Username and password

This user credentials will be used to log in to the SMPT-server.

Sender e-mail address

The specified address will be displayed in the e-mail as sender.

Sender name

The specified name will be displayed in the e-mail as sender name.

Show "Send e-mail" dialog after publication

With this option it can be define whether the "Send e-mail" dialog should be displayed after publication.

E-mail recipient default language

With this option you can specify which language should be used for e-mail recipients whose language is set to "Default".

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