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System requirements

Administration client

The administration component IBI-aws Admin is executed on these machines in order to create messages for the client machines.

To execute this application at least the following system requirements need to be met:


.NET Framework

Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11

.NET Framework 4.8

User clients


With this version, support for 32-bit operating systems will be discontinued.


With this version the IBI-aws Client support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 is discontinued. We are sorry for the inconvenience and refer to the Microsoft end of support for the mentioned operating systems.

IBI-aws Client

The client component IBI-aws Client is executed on these machines in order to display IBI-aws messages.

To execute this application  at least the following system requirements need to be met:



Windows 8.1 / 10 / 11


The IBI-aws Client does not need any additional components like .NET Framework or Java Virtual Machine.IBI-aws WebClient.

IBI-aws WebClient

On these machines, messages can be displayed via the optional IBI-aws WebClient website.

To use the IBI-aws WebClient, a current browser from the following list is required:






To notify users under macOS, the IBI-aws MobileClient (system requirements) can be used.

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