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Skin file distribution

The appearance of the displayed messages can be customized. For this the IBI-aws Client needs a skin file.

 A skin file can be deployed in two ways:


The skin file must be located in the same directory as the

  1. Main data source

    1. Skin file name:

  2. Additional data sources

    1. For the first data source:

    2. For all data sources:<Data source position>.iacskin
      <Data source position> must be replaced by the position of the data source in the start parameter AdditionalRemarks

Using a start parameter

  1. Use Skin for the main data source

  2. Use AdditionalSkin for an additional data source

To apply the skin, running IBI-aws Client instances have to be restarted.

If a skin file cannot be read—for example because the path indicated is not accessible—the default skin is used automatically.

For creating and editing an IBI-aws skin the IBI-aws SkinDesigner can be used.

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