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In the tab Encryption, the certificates for the encryption of the message file can be managed.



This option generates a new certificate pair.


This option can be used to activate a certificate pair for encryption.

In order for the clients to decrypt the message file encrypted with this certificate pair, the certificate pair must first be distributed to all clients.

Export client certificates

The Export client certificates option can be used to export the currently selected certificate pair so that it can be distributed to the clients.


If a certificate pair is no longer needed, it can be deleted using this option.

An active certificate pair can only be deleted if no publication location of the message group encrypts the message file.


This option is only available from the context menu.

This option can be used to import an exported admin certificate pair. For the import, the password must be specified with which the admin certificate pair was secured during the export.


This option is only available from the context menu.

This option can be used to disable an enabled certificate pair.

This option is available only if no publication location of the message group encrypts the message file.

Export admin certificates

This option is only available from the context menu.

The Export admin certificates option can be used to export the currently selected certificate pair so that it can be imported into other message groups.

This certificate must not be distributed to the clients.

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