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Due to the Web output format. IBI-aws messages will be published in JavaScript format.

If a version of the IBI-aws WebClient already exists in the expected version, it will not be written again

The IBI-aws WebClient is able to process messages from several message groups if a unique name has been selected for the published message file.

To deploy the IBI-aws WebClient, the following steps are required:

  1. Open the message group settings (for Desktop clients or for mobile clients) that contains the messages to be displayed

  2. Create a new publication location

  3. Select the Web output format


  4. Select a location as the destination path that all users can access later, e. g. a web server

  5. Select the With IBI-aws WebClient property so that the IBI-aws WebClient is automatically made available on the target path

  6. Repeat the above steps for other message groups

The IBI-aws WebClient and the corresponding messages will be written at the next publication.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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