Publication method
Specify which method should be used to write the remark file when publishing.
The following publish methods are available:
Delete and create (Default)
Create a temporary remark file containing the current information
Delete the existing remark file.
Rename the temporary remark file
The remark file content will be replaced with the current information.
Rename and create
Create a temporary remark file containing the current information.
Rename the existing remark file (will be deleted at the next publish)
Rename the temporary remark file.
The timeout determines in which time span a failed publication is repeated.
If a publication fails, it is checked whether the timout has elapsed since the start of the publication. If the timout is not elapsed the publication will be repeated.
For example:
A publication fails after 3 seconds. Because the Timeout is set to 5 seconds and hasn`t yet expired, the publication is repeated.
5 seconds Timeout – 3 seconds publication = 2 seconds left
If the second publication fails after another 3 seconds, it is not repeated, because the Timeout has expired.
5 seconds Timeout – 3 seconds 1. Publication – 3 seconds 2. Publication = -1 seconds left