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Message file distriubtion

The remark file is the communication channel used by IBI-aws to exchange data. This communication method is very transparent and simple because it is file based. The file is created using the IBI-aws Admin by clicking on Publish. It contains all information required by the IBI-aws Client for displaying messages.

The remark file must be placed in a central location so that all devices running the IBI-aws Client can access it.


Network share

A simple way is to store the message file in a directory that is accessible via a network share. The IBI-aws client only needs read permissions to this file.

Web server

Alternatively, the message file can be made available on a web server. In this case, the IBI-aws Client accesses the file using the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. If the web server has an access restriction, the IBI-aws Client can, if required, perform a Basic Authentication. Further details are described in the next section.

Supported path types

Local paths

Example: C:\IBI-aws\remarks.ibi

UNC paths

Example: \\server\IBI-aws\remarks.ibi


Without access restriction


With access restriction


In this case the credentials are specified in the URL (this variant is recommended only in connection with HTTPS). To generate a URL with access data, an independent instance of the IBI-aws Client must be started with the start parameter /UrlGenerator.

IBI-aws Client configuration

The path to the message file must be passed to the IBI-aws Clients by using the start parameter /Remarks.

Additional message files 

The IBI-aws Client is capable of processing multiple data sources in parallel.

For example, it allows an IT department working globally within a company to generate messages independently of a local IT department. All settings (such as Insertion duration) are also managed independently.

An additional message file must satisfy the same requirements that apply to the main message file. For example, it also must be stored at a central location so that all PCs that run the IBI-aws Client can access it.

Additional message files can be specified with the start parameter /AdditionalRemarks

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