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Configuring a proxy server

The IBI-aws Admin is using the  connection settings which are stored in Windows under Internet Options to connect to the IBI-aws update server. Thus is IBI-aws able to search for updates if a proxy server is used. If the proxy server is registered in the Internet Options and either No authentication or Windows authentication is used there are no adjustments be made in IBI-aws.

Specify proxy server in IBI-aws

Via settings

If the proxy server can not be obtained via the Internet Options or another proxy server should be used by the IBI-aws Admin can this setting be made under Settings > Web-Proxy.

Via configuration file

Alternatively, the proxy can also be specified in the configuration file. The configuration file is named and can be found in the same directory as the

  1. Create a backup from the 
  2. Open with an text editor.
  3. Include the text block below in the rage <configuration>.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Restart the IBI-aws Admin.

Text block

         <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IUpdateService" useDefaultWebProxy="false" proxyAddress="http://proxyaddress:8080" />

Specify user data in IBI-aws

If the proxy server requires authentication, which is not a Windows authentication, or if a different account should be used for the Windows authentication, this information can also be stored in the configuration file.


 User data which are stored in the configuration file can be viewed from any person who has read access to this file. We recommend to use this option with caution and to use it only if it is ensured that no unauthorized has read access to this file and con not provide the rights.

Alternative:  If no user data are speficied and a manual search for updates is started in the IBI-aws Admin a dialog appears in which user data can be entered. These data are used only for the current request so that the IBI-aws Admin can authenticate to the proxy server and nothing will be saved.

 If the user data still should be stored in the configration file proceed as follows: 

  1. Create a backup from the 
  2. Open with an text editor.
  3. In new configuration files can the both entries Proxy_Username and Proxy_Password be found in the section <appsettings>. Remove the comment blocks <!-- and --> which can be found before and after the entries and enter the desired user data.
  4. If you are using an older configuration file add in the section <appsettings> the text block below and add the desired user data.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Restart the IBI-aws Admin.

Text block

<add key="Proxy_Username" value="enter user here"/>
<add key="Proxy_Password" value="enter password here"/>

Configuration file example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">
      <section name="" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false"/>

    <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>

    <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" sku="Client"/>
    <!--## Path where the message database is located.-->
    <add key="Data_XmlFileLocation" value=""/>
    <!--## Username used for proxy authentication.-->
    <add key="Proxy_Username" value="user"/>
    <!--## Password used for proxy authentication.-->
    <add key="Proxy_Password" value="p@ssworD"/>

        <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IUpdateService"
                 proxyAddress="http://proxyaddress:8080" />
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