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Add / Edit category

For technical reasons, a maximum of 150 categories can currently be created.


Contains the category name. The content of this field is displayed to the IBI-aws MobileClient users.


Contains the description of the category. It is an optional field. The content of this field is displayed to the IBI-aws MobileClient users.

Automatically subscribed

If the checkbox is checked, on saving the category will be subscribed to all IBI-aws MobileClients currently registered for this message group. For future IBI-aws MobileClient registrations for this message group a subscription for this category will be created automatically.

If this setting is changed after the category has been created, the change only affects newly registered mobile clients.


If the checkbox is checked, this category is only displayed in the IBI-aws MobileClient if it is subscribed. 


This information is stored on the IBI-aws server, but is only visible at this location.

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