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Customize existing texts

Texts of the existing languages can be adapted as required. This requires the following steps:

The customized texts will be applied as soon as the IBI-aws WebClient has been reloaded in the browser of your choice.

Add new language

Other languages can be added by following these steps:

  • Copy texts from an existing language into custom-localizations. js
  • Adjust the language code (e.g. en)
  • Translate the existing texts into the new language

    All entries must be present, as in the copied localization.

  • Save the custom-localizations.js file

The new localization will be availalbe as soon as the IBI-aws WebClient has been reloaded in the browser of your choice.

Example of a custom-localization.js

The custom-localization.js can contain several languages, but each language can only be used once. The content of a custom-localization.js can look like this:

Localization example

JS["en"] = {
    "Remark": "Remark",
    "Message": "Note",
    "ApplicationSpecificRemark": "Applicationspecific remark",
    "GeneralRemark": "General remark",
    "MobileGeneralRemark": "Remark for mobile clients"
};["de"] = {
    "EarlyWarning": "Warnung"
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