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General information about messages can be set in this tab.

Start time

The start time determines the start of the display time of the message. It does not determine the display of early warnings as they have to be set before.

End time

The end time determines the closing time of the message.

Time zone

You can switch between the time zone settings Client time zone and My time zone to ensure that the message will be shown at the correct time worldwide.

Client time zone

Choose this option if the message should be shown at the same local time worldwide.

Configured message start time:
01/01/2013 16:00h

This message will be shown as follows:

Your time (UTC+1)Client I time (UTC-5)Client II time (UTC-7) 
01/01/2013 16:00h01/01/2013 16:00h01/01/2013 16:00h

My time zone

Choose this option if the message should be shown at the same time worldwide.

Configured message start time: 
01/01/2013 16:00h

This message will be shown as follows:

Your time (UTC+1)Client I time (UTC-5)Client II time (UTC-7) 
01/01/2013 16:00h01/01/2013 10:00h01/01/2013 08:00h


The reason is comparable to the subject of an e-mail. It should be brief but describe concisely the content of the message.

The following formatting options are available:


This is the entire message that you would like to communicate to your users. Messages that appear as an insertion use a shortened and line break free version of the text.

The following formatting options are available:

Multilingual Messages

Version 1.10 provides the option of creating a message in several languages. It will allow a better information system in an international environment. More information in chapter Multilingualism.


Displays the message impact. For more information about the impact, see Impact

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