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Create message


Command line interface call

".\" /action "create" /mode "silent" /remarkGroupId "5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6" /templateId "InternetConnectionDisturbed" /startTime "{now}" /publish "true"

This call creates a message from the template with the ID InternetConnectionDisturbed in the message group with the ID 5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6. The start time is set to the current date and time and all messages will be published. Since the mode silent is specified, no result is shown and the IBI-aws Admin is not opened.

Explanation of arguments

actioncreateSpecifies that a message should to be created
modesilentSpecifies that neither the user interface nor errors are displayed
remarkGroupId5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6The message group ID in which the message should be created
templateIdInternetConnectionDisturbedThe ID of the template to be used to create the message
startTime{now}The message start time
publishtrueSpecifies that the message will be published

Silent, from exported template

Command line interface call

".\" /action "create" /mode "silent" /remarkGroupId "5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6" /templatePath "C:\IBI-aws\InternetConnectionDisturbed.iaatemplate" /startTime "{now}" /publish "true"

This call creates a message from the exported template named "InternetConnectionDisturbed.iaatemplate" from the directory "C:\IBI-aws\" in the message group with the ID 5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6. The start time is set to the current date and time and all messages will be published. Since the mode silent is specified, no result is shown and the IBI-aws Admin is not opened.

Explanation of arguments

actioncreateSpecifies that a message should to be created
modesilentSpecifies that neither the user interface nor errors are displayed
remarkGroupId5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6The message group ID in which the message should be created
templatePathC:\IBI-aws\InternetConnectionDisturbed.iaatemplateThe path to the template to be used to create the message
startTime{now}The message start time
publishtrueSpecifies that the message will be published

With user interface

Command line interface call

".\" /action "create" /mode "fullui" /remarkGroupId "5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6" /templateId "InternetConnectionDisturbed" /startTime "{now}"

This call creates a message from the template with the ID InternetConnectionDisturbed in the message group with the ID 5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6. The start time is set to the current date and time. Since the mode fullui is specified, the message is not automatically saved and published but the Create message dialog opens in the IBI-aws Admin. Once the message has been saved, it has to be published manually.

Explanation of arguments

actioncreateSpecifies that a message should to be created
modefulluiSpecifies that the desired action should be performed via the user interface
remarkGroupId5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6The message group ID in which the message should be created
templateIdInternetConnectionDisturbedThe ID of the template to be used to create the message
startTime{now}The message start time

Silent, with restrictions

Command line interface call

".\" /action "createIfNotExisting" /mode "silent" /remarkGroupId "5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6" /templateId "FireAlarm" /startTime "{now}" /externalId "cli-firealarm" /publish "true"

This call creates a message from the template with the ID FireAlarm in the message group with the ID 5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6 unless a message with the external ID cli-firealarm already exists. If the message is created, the start time is set to the current date and time. Since the mode silent is specified, no result is shown and the IBI-aws Admin is not opened.

Explanation of arguments

actioncreateIfNotExistingSpecifies that a message should be created unless another message with the specified restrictions already exists
modesilentSpecifies that neither the user interface nor errors are displayed
remarkGroupId5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6The message group ID in which the message should be created
templateIdFireAlarmThe ID of the template to be used to create the message
startTime{now}The message start time
externalIdcli-firealarmSpecifies the value for the external ID field of the message to be created. In addition, the message will only be created, if no active message with this external ID does already exist
publishtrueSpecifies that the message will be published

Silent, with multiple restrictions

Command line interface call

".\" /action "createIfNotExisting" /mode "silent" /remarkGroupId "5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6" /templateId "FireAlarm" /startTime "{now}" /externalId "cli-firealarm" /checkOrigin "true" /publish "true"

This call creates a message from the template with the ID FireAlarm in the message group with the ID 5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6 unless a message with the external ID cli-firealarm and the same origin the template with the ID FireAlarm, already exists. If the message is created, the start time is set to the current date and time. Since the mode silent is specified, no result is shown and the IBI-aws Admin is not opened.

Explanation of arguments

actioncreateIfNotExistingSpecifies that a message should be created unless another message with the specified restrictions already exists
modesilentSpecifies that neither the user interface nor errors are displayed
remarkGroupId5dbfbbbe-9f48-4801-a5b1-7c744eeceee6The message group ID in which the message should be created
templateIdFireAlarmThe ID of the template to be used to create the message
startTime{now}The message start time
externalIdcli-firealarmSpecifies the value for the external ID field of the message to be created. In addition, the message will only be created, if no active message with this external ID does already exist
checkOriginTrueSpecifies that the message will only be created if no active message with the same origin that was specified (template with the ID FireAlarm) already exist.
publishtrueSpecifies that the message will be published
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