If IBI-aws should be deployed in a Citrix environment then the following points should be considered.
Published Desktop
IBI-aws works on a Published Desktop like on a normal Desktop Client.
In this case the IBI-aws Client will be executed on the Citrix-server per session (=signed in user).
Published Applications
At use of Published Applications the deployment of IBI-aws depends on the used client-systems.
Capability to execute the IBI-aws Client on the client system is given
If the client-system is able to execute the IBI-aws Client, it is possible to show application specific messages for Published Applications.
Identify a Published Application
IBI-aws cannot identify a Published Application by process name as usual, because the process isn’t running on the local system. However, when executing a Published Application, Citrix starts an own process called WFICA32, which shows the UI of the Published Application on the client-system. The process name doesn’t suffice to identify a Published Application clearly. For this, IBI-aws is giving the possibility to not only watch on the process name, but also on the title bar. If a Published Application does not own a clear title bar it is possible to work with Wild-Cards.
Capability to execute the IBI-aws Client on the client system is not given
If the client-system is not able to execute the IBI-aws Client it is possible to execute the IBI-aws Client together with a Published Application. To prevent that a message is shown several times, we suggest to execute the IBI-aws Client with only one Published Application (e.g. E-mail client, Internet browser etc.). In this case the detection of other applications is only possible when they are executed on the same Citrix-session.
If the IBI-aws Client is executed with a Published Application, the Citrix-server has to be configured, so that the will be closed automatically when the application will be closed.Otherwise the Citrix-session would not be closed. For more information see the Citrix-Support article: