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Add web application


This article describes how to add a web application to the Application Pool using the Add application-Dialog.


The browser processes are specified in the Processes tab. A process can be specified by clicking on Add.

The following table contains the process names of the most popular browsers.

BrowserProcessMatch type
Google ChromechromeExact
Microsoft Internet Explorer


Microsoft EdgemicrosoftedgeExact
Mozilla FirefoxfirefoxExact

Windows captions

The window captions tab is used to identify the web application. Is the used browser mentioned in the table above, the search and address field is also considered as a window title. This allows the application to be identified by a specific URL.

A window title can be specified by clicking on Add.

Some browsers do not always display the additions http:// or https://.


Simple domain regardless of the protocol (z.B. http://**)

TitleMatch type

Sub-Domain (e.g.*)

TitleMatch type

Sub-site (e.g.*)

TitleMatch type


To ensure that a message is only displayed once, you can enable the Show only once per application option on the Applications tab when you create a message.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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