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The following illustration provides an overview of the recommended folder structure and the recommended permissions for the IBI-aws folders on a central shared folder which all IBI-aws users can access.


IBI-aws is distributed as a Zip-Archive which contains a "Ready to use" folder structure. The contents must be unpacked in a user-defined location (<Installation Location>). The best place is a shared folder on a central server to which all the clients in your network have access.

The UNC-path of the <Installation Location> could look like this, for example:


Please observe the information about Windows security


The following permissions should be set in the subfolders of the <Installation Location>:



(and all subfolders)

Read- and Write-Permissions for all users who may create IBI-aws messages.

(and all subfolders)

Read- and Execution-Permission for all users who should receive IBI-aws messages.


If problems occur that should be logged by the IBI-aws Client, all users that receive the IBI-aws messages should get Write-Permission in this subfolder.

Installation Client Computer 

The Client computer does not need an installation in the traditional sense. All you have to do is to make sure the is running.

The IBI-aws Client does not need a .NET Framework or a Java Virtual Machine

Standard installation is located in the following folder:
<Installation Location>\Client\

The IBI-aws Client can be started via a Login Script, a Group Policy or an Autostart Group. 

In addition, a remark file, a skin file or a shortcut can be provided. For certain purposes it is possible to adapt the behaviour of the IBI-aws Client by adding start parameters.

Local installation

If required, the IBI-aws Client can be distributed locally to any computer that is supposed to display IBI-aws messages, e.g. via software distribution. In this case, the remark file must still be accessible via a central location.

When starting a local IBI-aws Client, the start parameters NoLocalCopyRemarks and ErrorLogPath should be specified.

Installation Admin Computer

The messages that should be shown to the clients and all other functions of IBI-aws can be managed and configured with the IBI-aws Admin. The appropriated .NET Framework (more information can be found in the System requirements) must be installed on the computer so that the IBI-aws Admin can be started.

All IBI-aws Admin contents (messages, applications, settings, etc.) are stored in the Data.xml file.

All IBI-aws Admin users must work with the same Data.xml.

Standard installation

To run the IBI-aws Admin use the It is located in the following folder:
<Installation Location>\Admin\

The Data.xml is located in the same directory as the

Local installation

If required, the IBI-aws Admin can be distributed locally to any computer that is supposed to manage IBI-aws messages, e.g. via software distribution. In this case, the Data.xml must still be accessible via a central location. For this, the directory of the central Data.xml can be specified in the (Key: Data_XmlFileLocation).

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