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Create an IIS Site

This document describes how a new website, in this case the IBI-aws WebCLI, can be created in IIS.

Please note that this is only a rough installation guide. For more detailed settings and configurations, we recommend consulting the corresponding Microsoft documentation.

  1. Open the IIS Manager: Click on the Windows icon and enter inetmgr in the search to open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Create a new website: Right-click on Sites in the left-hand area of the IIS Manager and select Add Web Site.

  3. Configure the website: Enter a name for your website (e.g. IBI-aws WebCLI) and select the physical directory in which the IBI-aws WebCLI is located. In your download package you will find the WebCLI application under /Server/Application.

  4. Select application pool: Select an existing application pool or create a new one for your website. Make sure that the selected application pool is configured as follows:
    .NET CLR version: No Managed Code
    Managed pipeline mode: Integrated

Ensure that the Application Pool Identity (IIS AppPool\<Name of the Pool>) has write and execute permissions for the /Server/Scripts subdirectory.

  1. Start the website: Right-click on your website in the IIS Manager and select Start to activate the website.

  2. Test the WebCLI: Open a web browser and navigate to your website address to ensure that the IBI-aws WebCLI is properly hosted and processing requests. When accessing the website, the text IBI-aws WebCLI is running... should appear.

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