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Version 0.2 (Beta)


The IBI-aws SkinDesigner is in the beta phase. Please make sure by testing that the skin is functional and all requirements are fulfilled.

Published on 2nd March 2021


  • Resource usages are displayed on the right side

  • Images can be scaled proportionally

  • Properties of skin elements are customizable with the arrow keys

  • Skin elements can be centered

  • All system languages are available for the text translation


  • "Transfer properties" function improved


  • Under certain circumstances it was not possible to select all skin elements with the keyboard shortcut CTRL + A

  • Moving a skin element caused a scrolling movement under certain circumstances

  • The "Delete" button was not deactivated correctly under certain circumstances

  • The size of the logo couldn't be changed under certain circumstances

  • Detached tabs could no longer be opened under certain circumstances

  • The height of the logo in the IBITECH default skin was marked as invalid

  • Selection in the navigation didn't show the current tab

  • Skin elements could exceed the window

  • Texts that couldn't be deleted couldn't be copied

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.