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Add hyperlink

  1. Open an existing skin or create a new one.
  2. Expand Resources and then open String with a double click.
  3. Inset a new text or customize an existing one.
  4. Insert the hyperlink a format like the two following examples
    [URI=""]Hyperlink Text[/URI]
  5. Open a view where you want the text with link to be displayed.
  6. Add a skin element of type TextBox.
  7. Configure the TextBox you created as desired.
  8. Make sure that in each view the new logo is in the correct position and the aspect ratio is correct.
    If you change the position or other properties, you can adjust the properties in one view and apply them to others. To do this, select the changed element and use the Transfer Properties function.
  9. Make sure that each view is displayed correctly.
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